Scholastic Trapshooting

The Lahontan Valley Claybreakers is a youth trap shooting team located in Fallon, NV at the Fallon Trap Club, 2007 Airport Road.

The organization is designed to instill a set of personal values and character traits for fair play, compassionate understanding, individual responsibility, sportsmanship, and personal commitment.

Young athletes are divided into five basic divisions based on their grade level at school.

Rookie: 4th - 5th grade

Intermediate: 6th - 8th grade

Entry Level -1st year of participation in intermediate group

Advanced -After one year of participation in the entry division

Senior division: 9th - 12th grade

Junior Varsity -1st year of participation in the Senior Division

Varsity- After one year of participation in the Senior Division

The Lahontan Valley Claybreakers are members of the Pacific International trapshooting association (PITA) which includes the Western States, Alaska, Hawaii, and parts of Canada.

Our practice schedule is planned with the intent of having our shooters prepared to compete in trap shooting events in a competitive format.

Lahontan Valley Claybreakers success is possible through the generous donations of our sponsors and the hours of hard work and time from our volunteers.

Registration fee of $275.00 covers the cost for all practices, ammo, T-shirt, hat, registration with PITA and a shooting bag for new members. Space is limited.

To join the 2025 season please email us at: